Friday, 14 August 2009

Rudeness and earphoned disconnection.

You might think that working in the complaints department would make one really cranky and aggressive. Well actually I am a very calm person. It takes a lot to get me annoyed. People can say what they like to me, I take it with a grain of salt. It's a whole other thing entirely though when I am driving.

There are three kinds of driver that annoy me. The one that is merging with traffic on the motorway but regardless of how the traffic is, this person insists on going to the end of the slip road, right down to the pointy part and then pulls straight into the lane. The other is the person who insists on ignoring the merging car and doesn't move over to facilitate it. Finally there is the solo traveller, he/she is alone on the road, or so they seem to think. This one sets up camp in the right lane and although the left lane is moving at the same pace or even faster will not pull into the left lane, and this at 100 in a 120 zone.

I have seen this cause other cars to pass on the inside/left side in what is a highly illegal move. Personally I just ease up beside them in the left lane , glare in my most threatening manner and then fall back, indicate, and move in behind them in the right lane and hope they will get the message.

Most of the things that annoy me about everday daily life are the result of people living under the impression that the world has a population of one. These people are blissfully unaware that every move they make has an effect on something or someone. Often the boss bemoans the fact that good manners and friendly behaviour have been replaced by rudeness and earphoned disconnection. It's not often I agree with him but he may have a point.


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