Thursday, 9 August 2007

Forecourt pumps working overtime.

According to Forecourt Trader website up to one and a half billion pounds in damage claims will be paid out in the UK after the widespread flooding. One forecourt owner in Gloucesteshire reckons with damage of almost £400,000. When he finally waded waist high across the forecourt to his shop, he was greeted by the sight of fridges and freezers floating in water four feet high.

Our sympathy goes out to all those affected by the weather and hope for a return to normality in the not so distant future. Forecourts should be pumping fuel not water.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Weather forecast.

The boss is insisting that I stop writing about the weather. Let me tell you, that is much easier said than done. While I have to admit to spotting the sun a few times over the past days it certainly wasn't a good enough reason to start being in any way optomistic about the remainder of the summer.

I agree with the boss, I should stop talking about the weather, just simply ignore it and hope it will not interfere with my best laid plans. I promise not to mention it again.

Here we are heading into the busiest weekend of the summer and thousands upon thousands of people will take to our roads. Most of them will be heading for festivals, outdoor events, holidays, all of which will be hugely affected by the weather. Oh man, I just mentioned the weather. There, I just mentioned it again!

Take care on the roads this weekend, drive carefully and with a little extra patience. Drop in and check your tyre pressure. The roads may be wet, who knows.

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