Acafe invites customers for a few scoops.
You may have noticed that my days as a sports blogger are definitely over. I had hoped to turn my life around by simply watching and writing about sports, meanwhile hoping to somehow awaken the latent sportsman in me, but I'm afraid it wasn't to be. In the boss's words " Mr. Crab " he said, (drawing himself up to his full height) the idea of you writing about sport is, well something akin to a goose with a fatty liver writing about slimming."
Funny he should mention slimming actually. One of the biggest benefits of my brief foray into the world of sixpacks, gold medals, world records, synchronised diving, shooting, shooting?..was that while I was watching, thinking and writing about them, I did in fact lose 4 kilos. Two kilos of that I lost during the John Joe Nevin fight. Weaving, bobbing, ducking, jabbing and shouting instructions can really wear you out.
Mostly however I think I lost the weight worrying about what the boss was going to do to me when he found out I hadn't written anything about the new gourmet Ice Cream offer in the acafes in Mt. Merrion and at our Motorway Service Areas.
The problem is to keep the weight off while writing about Ice Cream. Then I remembered a present a good friend had given me many years ago.
It was a photocopied version of a book written by an Italian nobleman called Luigi Cornaro in the 1500's called "The Temperate Life". If you translate the title directly it actually reads "The Sober Life" but I figure in this neck of the woods that title might not exactly inspire people to rush out and grab a copy. Anyway it's well worth a gander, which brings me back to the boss's comments about the goose with the fatty liver (soon to be foie gras).
According to Luigi Cornaro moderation in everything promotes a long and happy life. So there you have it. One cool scoop of ice cream every day is surely in order you would think, and no cows are ill treated in the making of it either. And if the truth were known, it's a moderate scoop of ice cream a day we should have been treating ourselves to for the past 10 years, for 'tis far from fois gras we were reared. .
Ah go on, have a few scoops! |