Friday, 30 May 2014

Worth the effort - Espress-ups.

It's a sure thing that adopting this pose alone will give you a good feeling. When I looked at it first time I immediately though of working out. It's probably due to my complete lack of knowledge regarding fitness equipment, gym machines and such. The imminent movement looked..well muscular somehow.  It wasn't till I saw the delicate trickle of liquid gold that I woke up and smelled the coffee. You do have to boil the kettle, Furthermore I would certainly recommend you experiment with water temperature, but hey you're at home, it's fun to experiment. When you're out you can always pick up a cup of consistently best coffee on the road at your local AG. I've started my fitness programme. I decided to really ease into it. Doing two espress-ups every morning. Getting ready for my assault on Carrauntoohil.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Street lights lined up to charge electric cars.

It was a real problem. Electric cars can go up to 100 km without a charge but the big problem was when do you start looking for the next charging station and where is it? At a proposed cost of 10.000- pro station no-one was rushing to make them conveniently available. That has however evidently changed since Ubitricity a Berlin power company had the great idea to take the power from the street-lights they were powering for a much more realistic cost of 300- per station. A matter of a cable and connection. What could be simpler. A town in Sweden is also trialling this option. Another example of a simple solution being in front of our eyes (well above our heads), but we couldn't see it .

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Now for a cuppa that will really pick you up.

When you drink Matcha tea you are actually consuming the entire leaf making it at least 8-10  times stronger than any other regular cup of brewed green tea. 

It's been imbibed in Japan for almost 1000 years making it the oldest variety of Japanese shade grown green tea.
One simply whisks the finely ground powder into the water to produce the bright green frothy tea. Traditionally a 
bamboo whisk or Chasen is used but if you don't wish to stand on ceremony which somehow seems fitting when 
dealing with something so old and full of goodness. I'm sure purists wont object to you using any kind of whisk to 
get you started and converted to the matcha cuppa. 

Monday, 19 May 2014

Water is life - Read all about it!

The Drinkable Book - practical, educational, the result of people looking for real solutions.
The Drinkable Book is one of the great water stories of our time. It is set to transform peoples lives. Simple, sustainable and cheap, it's the result of a collaboration between the non profit organization Water is Life and scientists and researchers from University of Virginia and Carnegie Mellon. Combining usable water filter book pages with educational information this book is not only important in terms of clean water but as a lesson in how things can be done in a sustainable, innovative manner - when people work together to solve a problem. And what a problem water is. Every single day 5,000 children under the age of five die from water related diseases. Millions of people suffer from water related preventable diseases all because of a lack of clean drinking water. Hats off to the creators of the Drinkable Book.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Papusas are the message. Yes it's safe to try this at home.

Most of us are familiar with Mexican food. It probably is the most popular South American kitchen and has spread rapidly across the world due mainly to it's suitability as a fast convenient food, hence the many take away Taco and Burrito stands that have sprung up everywhere over the past ten years.
Ever heard of a Pupusa? Or seen one being made?
Well the good citizens of New York, in particular Brooklyn have been making their way to the Red Hook Ball Fields to sample not only the aforementioned Pupusa, (a traditional Salvadorean delicacy) but a host of traditional South. American specialities cooked up by the food trucks who have turned the sports and recreation area into a real food destination. Watch out for the Papusa I say, it's on the way. Try it at home. First the basic and then experiment with fillings. Have fun.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Applegreen Charitable Fund. A great first quarter and now in the UK.

Great to see what the Applegreen Charity Fund, Applegreen workers and customers alike have managed to achieve together over the first Quarter of 2014.
The first donation of 2014 to the  Childrens Medical and Research Foundation at Crumlin Children's Hospital  Dublin clocked up a whopping  €21,561.56. Also receiving a donation for the same period was Applegreen's second charity partner  Anam Cara who received a donation of  €19,784.52  bringing the combined total to €41,344.08.
A really tremendous achievement. A great start to 2014.
News this week also of Applegreen's first UK Charity partner. Well done to all involved . May the force be with you.


Friday, 2 May 2014

Doctor operates in petrol station.

Say hello to the drive in Doc! Dr. Dieter Zakel is operating a medical practice at a petrol station in Vienna. He promises to see every patient within 15 mins or less. Naturally the medical fraternity are not too happy and have indicated they will be watching and waiting to see how things develop. I got to thinking that it can't be too long before the first dental practice opens in a station and then it will be possible to have your tank filled, your tooth filled, your prescription filled and your belly filled. Now that's what you call a filling station.

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